Representation Agreement Bc Section 9 Non Standard Enhanced Powers

Representation Agreement BC Section 9 Non-Standard Enhanced Powers: What You Need to Know

A Representation Agreement (RA) is a legal document that allows you to appoint a trusted individual or individuals to make important health and personal care decisions for you if you are unable to do so. This agreement is governed by a specific set of rules and regulations, which include the standard and non-standard enhanced powers. In this article, we will focus on Section 9 of the BC Representation Agreement Act, which covers the non-standard enhanced powers included in an RA.

Section 9 of the BC Representation Agreement Act: Non-Standard Enhanced Powers

When creating a Representation Agreement in British Columbia, you have the option to include non-standard enhanced powers in the agreement. Unlike the standard powers, these powers allow your representative to make decisions that are beyond the usual scope of personal care and health-related matters. Examples of non-standard enhanced powers included in Section 9 are:

1. Making decisions regarding your living arrangements: Your representative can make decisions about where you will live, including choosing a care home or a particular type of housing.

2. Making decisions regarding your social and recreational activities: Your representative can make decisions about your participation in social and recreational activities. They can also choose to limit or prohibit your participation in certain activities if they believe it poses a risk to your health and well-being.

3. Making decisions regarding legal matters: Your representative can make decisions about legal matters, including hiring a lawyer and signing legal documents on your behalf.

4. Making decisions regarding financial matters: Your representative can make decisions about your finances, including managing your bank account and paying bills.

It`s important to note that including non-standard enhanced powers in an RA is not a decision to be taken lightly. These powers can significantly impact your life and the decisions made by your representative may not always align with your wishes. Therefore, it`s essential to choose a representative who you trust and who understands your values and preferences.

Additionally, it`s recommended that anyone considering a Representation Agreement with non-standard enhanced powers seeks legal advice before creating the agreement. An experienced lawyer can advise you on the risks and benefits of including these powers in your RA and help ensure that your agreement is aligned with your goals and wishes.


Representation Agreements are an essential tool for ensuring that your wishes are respected and your best interests are protected if you become unable to make decisions for yourself. Section 9 of the BC Representation Agreement Act allows you to include non-standard enhanced powers in your agreement, but it`s important to carefully consider the impact of these powers on your life and seek legal advice before proceeding. By taking these steps, you can create an agreement that gives you peace of mind and ensures that your interests are protected.

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